Contributors wanted for a-ha book

I have been contacted by Greg Lansdowne, a freelance journalist/communications professional from England, who is planning to write a book about a-ha, based on the experiences of fans during the “Ending On A High Note” tour.

In a longer message posted in the “fan corner” section of, he writes:

“I am, therefore, writing to ask for contributors to such a book who would be interested in sharing not only their thoughts on a specific concert but also why your love for a-ha took you to that concert (particularly for those travelling quite a distance).

Initially, I would like to get as much feedback as possible in terms of whether this is a book that would be welcomed the a-ha fraternity.

Were that to be the case, I would then ask for people to volunteer their interest to write about a particular concert (to make sure all bases could be covered).”

To read the whole message, which includes contact info, visit

Lansdowne has also created a thread about this on the WOTM forum.

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