a-ha in Oslo, August 16th
a-ha met the Norwegian press at Hotel Grims Grenka in Oslo today, to talk about the farewell concerts and to present the updated edition of Jan Omdahl’s The Swing Of Things, which is published in Norway later this week.
A photo session with the band was followed by individual interviews with Magne and Morten, while Paul and Lauren tried their best to dispel the ever-returning John and Yoko comparisons by uh… doing their interviews in bed.
A few video clips from the press meeting can be seen here:
Aftenposten.no TV2 Nyhetene
And here are some of the articles published so far:
Aftenposten.no: Tankeprosessen har startet
Dagbladet.no: Paul har A-ha-låtene du aldri får høre
ABCnyheter.no: A-ha-farvel på godt og vondt
Paul and Lauren interviewed in bed by TV2.
Some selected quotes:
Paul: “I’m not the one who wanted this to happen. To me, there are four parts; it’s Magne, myself and Morten, but it’s also a-ha. It’s like a unit on its own. And a part of me wants to fill it with as much great material as possible. I have read every book there is about other bands, and the hell that they’ve been through in order to record an album. But it’s worth it in the end. In my opinion we should have just put up with things in order to get [another album] done.
I have at least half a new a-ha album ready. I wrote many new songs before we decided to end the band. So I would have liked to continue. We have a potential for more, at least one more album.
It’s strange and a bit sad to retire. We just got back from Japan, where the fans were crying in despair when we left our hotels.”
Lauren: “It’s sad, but I’m also happy for him, because he has so many options now. He can write songs for other artists. It’s an exciting time.”
Paul: “Since we announced our retirement, I’ve been contacted by a few people who have asked me if I’d be interested in various projects. That’s what I have in mind now, there are so many great voices out there that really speak to me. It would be cool to write for some of those, I have already made a list of names that I would like to write for. But I won’t show it to you“, he smiles.
Morten: “There are many interesting things that I’m currently considering. I’m not writing songs at the moment, there’s no room for that. But I do feel a small tingling coming along, so it would be strange if the urge for songwriting shouldn’t return. But I feel it’s best to just let things happen and leave the horizon open.”
Interviewer: – Can you see yourself fronting another band?
Morten: “No comment.”
Magne: “We’re around 50 years old, and we’ve been doing this for 25 years. If I were to do something else, this would be the right time.
There are many reasons to split. The time has come. It would have been easier to continue, but it’s more brave to end it. I wouldn’t want to fall asleep at the wheel.
a-ha will live on, without us.”
Magne and Morten on God Morgen Norge.
Earlier in the day, Magne and Morten appeared on God Morgen Norge on TV2.
Magne talked about how, after the Japanese concerts, he and the family had travelled up into the mountains and lived together with buddhist monks.
“It was a powerful experience. We had to get up at 6 in the morning and take part in an hour-long ceremony where you sit on the floor until your feet get numb, as you’re not used to sitting with your legs crossed. It gave me insight into another way of life.“