Book cover
Photographer Stian Andersen‘s photo book about a-ha, which has been many years in the making, will finally be published in September 2012.
The front cover of the book, which is called a-ha 1994 – 2010 Fotografier, has now been posted on the website of Forlaget Press, along with some info about the project.
“I have never spent so much time on a project before. Making a photo book about a-ha is different than making a photo book about Turbonegro, for example. It’s more closed, there’s more history involved, the backstage area is more protected. While I’ve been working, I have never seen any other photographers or press backstage”, Andersen says.
The book will be published in mid-September, priced at 599 Kroner ($99). There will also be an exhibition of some of Andersen’s a-ha photos at the Stolper+Friends gallery in September.
Update: Catherine at a-ha.com has followed up with some info about the English version of the book, which seems to have a slightly different cover.
Update II: It seems the Norwegian version of the book has been cancelled, so it will only be available in English – as a limited edition. The book can be pre-ordered now from forlagetpress.no.