Apparatjik did a preview concert for press and industry people at the Astrup Fearnley museum last night. Some videos have been posted on YouTube by “eveghost”:
Deadbeat Arrow and Bow Pakt/Control Park Unknown song/Superpositions
There are also some rehearsal videos from earlier on, posted by Alyssa Nilsen.
The main event – tonight’s free concert at Astrup Fearnley – starts at 9:00 PM and features a new cube.
“The new cube is made especially for this show. We were originally planning on positioning it above the water, but they’re expecting a spring tide, and combined with 220 volts through our instruments that wasn’t such a good idea”, Magne says in an interview with Dagsavisen today.
Guy Berryman once again seems to be busy with Coldplay, so he’s not taking part.