Oslo, October 23rd
(Picture from NTB/Scanpix)
Magne was one of the organizers of a torchlight procession in Oslo tonight, in support of a new Munch museum – or more specifically the Lambda alternative in Bjørvika.
Although Lambda won the architectural competition for a new museum, politicians in Oslo still haven’t been able to agree on which alternative to choose.
“It’s frustrating to see so little action and so much quarrelling about such an important topic as [Edvard] Munch. Lambda won the competition, that’s why it should be built in Bjørvika”, Magne told Dagbladet.
“It’s also fun to march in a torchlight procession for something, especially as this is the first time I’m taking part in one”.
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Dagbladet Aftenposten NRK.no newsinenglish.no