Picture by Jakob
Two Norwegian summer festivals have been added to a-ha’s Hunting High and Low Tour this year; Bergenfest in Bergen on 15 June and Idyllfestivalen in Fredrikstad on 17 June.
The concert in Bergen will be held at Plenen, a smaller outdoor area located right next to Koengen where they played in 2016. Plenen has a capacity of 9000 people. Also playing at Bergenfest on the same day is the Irish band Inhaler, led by Bono’s son Elijah Hewson, and Sondre Lerche.
Idyllfestivalen in Fredrikstad is held on the island of Isegran, which has a capacity of 15,000 people. Other artists announced for the festival include Alan Walker, Astrid S and Zara Larsson. This will be the first a-ha concert in Fredrikstad since 2007.
Daypass tickets for Bergenfest (1000 kroner) are sold through Ticketmaster, while daypass tickets for Idyllfestivalen (1190 kroner) are sold through Tikkio.
Last week all Covid restrictions for concerts and other events in Norway were lifted, which means everything can run at full capacity once again.