Some info from the website of Elevorganisasjonen (the Norwegian student organization):
“Sant & Usant and Elevorganisasjonen are now working together to make a time capsule, containing young people’s thoughts on 22 July 2011, thoughts about our country and on our future. Your school can take part in this project, which will be a gift to the youth of the future, as well as an addition to the official history. (…) The time capsule will be kept in the [Norwegian] National Archives until 2031. Then it will be opened and the content will be made available to the public and for research purposes. As a symbol of the time capsule, Magne Furuholmen will create an artwork to be exhibited in the National Archives. The artwork will be made in collaboration with some of the students that are taking part in the time capsule project “Til Ungdommen” [“For the Youth”].”