Morten on BBC Breakfast, May 11th
Morten was a guest on BBC Breakfast this morning. A video clip of the interview can be seen here.
Yesterday he was interviewed by Alan Thompson on BBC Radio Wales, which can be heard here (Part one at 1:15 and Part two at 1:45).
Asked by a listener if there are any plans to record a live album, Morten answered:
“There are no plans at the moment, but it will happen. It’s a given, I think. But not right away, as we need to get warmed up first – which we are actually starting to, you know. The machinery is starting to get oiled. We’ve done about three to four weeks now on the road and the band is coming together.”
He also expressed an interest in playing countries that haven’t been a part of the current tour:
“There are in fact, a lot of places I would really want to visit. We’re doing a run, which is mainly the waterholes of a-ha over the past years, to start with. I would love to go in and do Spain and also Italy and a number of places. I am not doing Ireland now, for instance, which I would love to.”
He was also a guest on Alan Simpson’s show on BBC Radio Ulster yesterday, available here (starts at 1:10).
Other interviews coming up include Matt White’s show on BBC Radio Manchester tonight and “Good Morning Sunday” on BBC Radio 2 this Sunday, May 13th.