Morten speaks out against bullying

Morten speaking in Oslo, Jan. 30th

Morten speaking in Oslo, Jan. 30th

Morten was one of the guests invited to speak at a government meeting in Oslo today, to launch a new campaign against bullying in Norwegian schools.

In his speech, Morten talked about his own experiences being bullied as a child:

“I have wide experience of what it means to be bullied. The years between 3rd and 6th grade in elementary school were painful years for me”, he told the audience. “After school, other pupils would gather around me and beat me up. […] But on the inside, I felt that I would eventually become stronger than all of them.”

“Children live in a world of their own, where adults don’t have much access. But that’s also where we need to be as adults, to provide children with the means to handle this. Self-esteem is important in order to fulfill your own potential. I am certain that all of us represent a greater potential than we realize ourselves”, Morten added in an interview after the meeting.

A video of Morten’s speech can be viewed here. There is also a video interview with Morten and Prime Minister Erna Solberg here.

Other links:
Harket speaks out on bullying (
Morten Harket om fortiden som mobbeoffer: – Det var vonde år (VG)
Morten Harket fortalte om egen erfaring med mobbing (Bergens Tidende)
– Det var vonde år for meg (Klar Tale)
Ble banket opp daglig (NTB)

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