The fifth season of The Voice continued with the third live show last night.
Here are all the eight performances, with video links to both YouTube and (the YouTube clips are blocked in some areas outside of Norway, it seems):
1. Endre Gryting (Team Yosef) YouTube /
2. Oskar Øiestad (Team Lene) YouTube /
3. Amalie Hamborgstrøm (Team Martin) YouTube /
4. Edward Mustad (Team Morten) YouTube
5. Amanda Rusti (Team Martin) YouTube /
6. Kristoffer Edvardsen (Team Yosef) YouTube /
7. Steffi Buie (Team Lene) YouTube /
8. Maria Engås Halsne (Team Morten) YouTube /
“You have a fantastic tone and range in your voice”, Morten told Edward after his performance, while he described Maria as being “musically very sharp and steady”.
At the end, each mentor was able to choose one of their talents to go through to the semi-final in two weeks.
Morten decided to be tactical in his choice:
“Last Friday three of my talents disappeared from the show. It was brutal for all of us. We were already at a stage where it was very, very even. Today we’re one performance further on, and we’re approaching the craziest part of this show where anything can happen. All of you, Maria, Edward, and the rest of you, have come a long way. You have gained a lot of experience from this, and are definitely all winners. I don’t want to lose any more talents, I want both of you to continue. The only way I can make a choice now, is that I know that the viewers have voted for Edward in the previous two live shows. That’s what I’m counting on this time as well, which means I’m choosing Maria.”
After Morten had chosen Maria, Yosef chose Endre, Lene chose Oskar and Martin chose Amanda.
The last two semi-finalists were decided by viewer votes and turned out to be Edward and Steffi.
So both talents on Team Morten are ready for the semi-final on 24 May. See pictures of all the mentors and their remaining talents on the shows’s official Instagram.