Another a-ha concert in Norway next summer was announced today:
18 June: Bryggebyen, Arendal, Norway
This will be an outdoor concert with a capacity of around 10,000 people.

Concert ad (Picture by Stian Andersen)
Both Morten and Magne have played solo concerts in Arendal in the past, but this will be the first a-ha concert in this southern coastal town, which has a population of 38,000.
“Arendal was chosen because both the city and the location where a-ha will play are very beautiful. Additionally, a-ha have never played there before, and I was met by a very professional and friendly group of organizers and financial supporters. It’s also exciting to do a concert in a city whith such strong growth and development as Arendal”, a-ha manager Harald Wiik told local newspaper Agderposten (paywall).
He added that this will be a Hunting High and Low-concert, but in a slightly modified version.
Tickets go on sale on 22 November at 9am via TicketCo. More info about the concert can be found at