Posts Tagged ‘dresden’

Magne in Dresden / VG review

Signing autographs on the red carpet in Dresden

Magne appeared at the annual HOPE-Gala in Dresden, Germany on Saturday night. He was there together with The Voice winner Martin Halla, who performed at the event. Money raised at the HOPE-Gala will help benefit the fight against aids in South Africa.

Martin Halla also performed at the opening of Magne’s Bouquet exhibition on Thursday, which can be seen in this video clip.

VG’s art critic Lars Elton gave the Bouquet exhibition a good review (5 out of 6) in Friday’s newspaper. “Magne Furuholmen has proven that he’s more than capable as a visual artist. This [retrospective] exhibition shows that he’s been so for a long time”, Elton writes.

“It’s particularly the woodcuts that stand out, and seeing them again now surpasses the memories of how good they are. Formats of up to three meters tall enhance the experience, but it’s the intensity of the raw expression, the use of the tree’s growth rings and the strong use of colours that have made these images stand the test of time.”

Tour update

“(Seemingly) Nonstop July” made a rare appearance at the concert in Dresden on Sunday, as it was performed live for the first time since 1994:


Dresden, 25 July.

Dresden, 25 July.

Pictures and info from the Dresden concert, 25 July:
YouTube videos
DNN online
Photo gallery

Halle concert, 24 July:
YouTube videos
Borkener Zeitung
Westfalen Blatt
ImageShack album by Gosia

Emmendingen concert, 23 July:
YouTube videos
Badische Zeitung
Baden Online
Photobucket album by Claudia
Photobucket album by basi9 – video interview with Morten and Paul.

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